Our workshops

Our workshops and classes are offered in our Avondale Estates studio or can be brought to your campus. They can be customized for groups based on number of students, age, learning goals, and more.

new workshops kickoff November 4


new workshops kickoff November 4 〰️

fall class schedule

Youth ART Workshops | Ages 6 - 11

  • 6 Sessions for $200 |REGISTER HERE

    • Basic lessons on drawing in space, 3D objects and people.

    • Mini lesson on coloring

    • Single Character Development

    • Understanding Parts of a Story

    • Multi-page comic book in color

    • Show and Tell for family/friends

    • Receive printed collection of fellow classmates comic books

      Mondays, Nov 4 - Dec 16 @ 3-4:30PM

  • 6 Sessions for $90 | REGISTER HERE

    Learn how to design and bring to life a character of your own creation through drawing and imaginative exploration. Complete detailed character analysis and learn from micro drawing lessons to best depict your character’s personality. Includes a comic strip featuring your new character.

    Mondays, Nov 4 - Dec 16 @ 10-11:30AM

tween + teen ART Workshops | Ages 11 - 17

  • 6 Sessions for $200 | REGISTER HERE

    • Detailed lessons on backgrounds, perspective, anatomy, inking, lettering, coloring, and drawing.

    • Multiple Character Development

    • Comic scripting and storyboarding

    • Create multi-page comic book

    • Final Presentation for family/friends

    • Receive printed collection of fellow classmates comic books

      Wednesdays, Nov 6 - Dec 18 @5-6:30PM

  • 6 Sessions for $90 | REGISTER HERE

    Learn how to design and bring to life a character of your own creation through drawing and imaginative exploration. Complete detailed character analysis and learn from micro drawing lessons to best depict your character’s personality. Includes a custom

    zine featuring your new character.

    Wednesdays, Nov 6 - Dec 18 @ 3-:30PM

  • 6 Sessions for $100 | REGISTER HERE

    The best way to improve your drawing skills is to draw from life. In this class we give tweens/teens a preview into how drawing is taught in colleges everywhere.

    Learn techniques to train your eye and your hand to recreate anything w/ paper and pencil.

    Mondays, Nov 4 - Dec 16 @ 5-7PM

  • 6 Sessions for $100 | REGISTER HERE

    Feel like your drawings are flat?

    Come and learn how to create the illusion of 3 dimensionality. Learn to see beyond the horizon line and master drawing in 1, 2 and 3 point perspective.

    Wednesdays, Nov 6 - Dec 18 @ 1 - 2:30PM

email us to bring workshops to your group


email us to bring workshops to your group 〰️

bring the comic workshops to your door